Emeryville, CA
Birthday: February 22
Emeryville, CA
February 22
What is your name (first and last)
Adi Shakti
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
Community of sensitive, grounded, intuitive folk. Exchanging readings/healings. Learning from one another. Promoting Light.
How did you learn about our network?
Reading Debra Katz's books
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I have been in the healing field for 32 years. Started as massage therapist, became Rosenworker, then energy readings and healings in the last 9 years professionally. I work on being responsible for my thoughts, feelings, actions and help others wake up/heal. Strong need to serve/love/raise vibration around me. Forgive myself for being irritated in the time/space I find myself in. Forgive my family. Work on not resisting/being neutral. Actively love my husband. Educate myself about reality, games on the planet, ancient history, dark/light dynamics.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
Have my own space (home) that is peaceful, quiet, functional and safe, where I can work on my art/creative projects, that have an outlet in the world. Office space with like minded people. Be a support to clients in positions of power, working to improve the planet. Surrounded by more nature, flowers, trees, birds etc. but still be close to people. Increase trust in my ability to manifest when life is challenging. Travel.
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