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  • Hi, Ana,

    Sorry to get back to you so late. I've been travelling and haven't had a chance to work on the course. I'll be home soon, and then I'd love to practise with you. My e-mail is

  • Sorry for the Delay, here is the rest of the feedback. So, I think the only thing I didnt say to you before we got cut of, is that you had said that our colors were similar and that it seemed to have more of my energy in his flower than his, and while it is not impossible, I would say since the colors were similar, it might be the other way around because he has been trying to make this work and I have put 0 effort in this. And when you looked at the relationship flower and there was no light and it went dark well, probably because we didnt hit it off and it didnt go anywhere. You then saw a brick wall and frustration, well that is on point because I dont really want a realtionship and he has been trying hard so I am most likely the one who did put this wall up. And the frustration might be coming on his part because I always forget to answer him. And that the flower was not planted, well most likely because it will probably go nowhere although I did consider going back with him, but changed my mind. And then you said it had no where to go and there was a struggle, well, don't think it is going no where either, and he is trying hard to get me back. So it was a great time getting a reading from you I really enjoyed it, Again, sorry for the late feedback, I wanted to send a private message but couldnt figure out how, so figured I send it here! :)

    looking forward to working with you again soon!

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