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  • Hello Dana,

    I've just sent you an email. If I need to do anything else, please inform me. 

    It is going to be bedtime in the UK but at your place it is still a nice Saturday afternoon.

    Have a nice day with much love and light,


  • That would be really good. It is very nice of you, Dana.

    Thank you!

    Lots of love and light, 


  • Hello Dana,

    I just read you have made some readings to practise. Do you still need to practise? I'd be honoured... I am very new to this (in a way) and definitely I can not return the favour for some time - I am reading the first book. Then later hopefully I can do a reading for you, too. 

    I hope, I don't disturb you - I do not know how to start to socialize here, I just grabbed the first "sign" what I saw :o)

    Have a lovely day,


  • Hey Dana!

    Yeah, I need the practice, plus I like being read to help others. I know what you mean about the career. I'm going into psychology and i think I'm gonna kinda make it like, my sessions include both psychological help and clairvoyant help, ya know? I'm really excited. =) I'd definitely look around and see what type of careers there are out there for psychics. Oh, you might wanna ask kamala if she wants to practice and if you can practice on her. I know she's looking for trades and practice.

    Much love and light
  • Hi Davy,
    Wow, you have a busy schedule. And you seem to be doing lots of readings. I definitely need to practice more too.
    Not only should you tell your mom about being positive, but also to be strong and be assertive with this lingering dark entity. We are the rulers of this planet and these dark entities must leave upon our request. If they don't then we threaten them. I have some ideas for you if you need them and they do work. 
    I finally realized that I need to be in a career that focuses on helping people and possibly spiritual related. I have no idea what I want to get involved in, but I like everything based on psychic, premonition, medium abilities, etc. There's got to be more than just "Dial a Psychic" career. This is the year of changes and I seem to be going through a lot of changes lately. How about you?
    Warm regards,


  • Hey Dana!

    Thanks, I told my mom to be as positive as possible. Hopefully it'll keep this other woman away. Anywho. Things are very active lately. I'm getting a package in the mail tomorrow and I'm excited because its something I've been wanting for a long time! Then, I'm getting a reading tomorrow, then hanging out and catching up with a friend of mine. The next day, a fellow psychic and I are exchanging readings Friday, then i'm spending the night with another friend. Haha. So lots of excitement! :D How about you?

    Much love and light!


  • Hey Dana,


    I hope all is going well! Just wanted to stop by and say hello! :D


    Much love and light!


  • Hi Dana,


    I responded! Thank you so much! I'm so excited! :D



  • Hey Dana!
    I just finished your reading and emailed you. =) let me know how I did!

  • Hey Dana,

    Thank you, I will be doing your reading this evening! =) ill email you once its done. =)

    Hope you're having a great day!
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