What is your name (first and last)
Eva Maria Jacobo Penalva
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
I had a magical experience back in 2019. something hit me on the crown of the head and my forehead between my eyes and during 3 months I moved my left hand up and down like " catching or downloading something" from above...I didn't know about energies or healings/chakras or mediumship ( I thought it was all a fraud) but I received messages and synchronicities and understanding that I very much needed but still after 3 years have passed on, as I am very "mental" I didn't enjoy the benefits of that experience but I now know that there is some information out there that we humans can tap into it to learn ...we are able to connect with others through our mind and energy. I do believe we can heal ( even though I'm not able to do it myself to myself:) and gain knowledge to live a better life and get rid of some old patterns to hold us back ( I believe it but cannot do it, unfortunately - just yet)
How did you learn about our network?
Jeffrey Mishlove - Debra Lynne
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
At the moment I have enough trying to get rid of an old emotional burden that happened 23 years ago and still is governing my life up until now.
I have helped in the past these particular men when he was starting - I help an ex-good friend of mind to get all his jobs....and these people are no longer there...It would appear ( without being arrogant) I always attracted people that needed stronger "woman/man" around to get what they wanted...I could elaborate further - I do consider myself a very generous person to be honest ----now right now - since 2019 I returned to Spain ( I lived in Ireland for 11 years -running away from myself) I am trying to rebuild my own psyche and my emotional body and trying to heal myself / cutting ties with the past / forgiving myself....This is my current occupation. I am sorry I can not be of service to anyone but I have been in the past.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
to leave a peaceful and rich life - to forgive me first and forgive others - to move forward - to not waste any more time of my precious life and to "live live live life " with happiness and a big smile - meet someone who makes me feel at home like I was when I was younger and to learn clairvoyance skills to share this interest with other people.
My heart's desire is to " go back home" to my heart and to love and be loved ( until I cut ties with this man from my childhood I won't be able to move forward. I'm 48).
Please help us verify who you are as we have had spammer issues. Please provide a current website, blog site, social media site, etc. Or, If you are a registered student of the International School of Clairvoyance please indicate for which class. These will not be shared with other members but are used by the admin to verify you.
No, I do not have a website. I have an Instagram account that I use to follow others, also to follow Debra Lynne.
My name on Instagram is Eva.Lee_Evita.