West Portsmouth, OH
Birthday: January 22
West Portsmouth, OH
January 22
What is your name (first and last)
Joseph Page
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
I am a new student of the Master Class by Debra L Katz. It is part of the curriculum to sign of for this. Also, I want to be a part of a network of like minded people all reaching for excellence in the field of metaphysics.
How did you learn about our network?
From the orientation emails
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I am a Life Purpose Hand Analyst. I have my business, SoulPrints, and it’s role is to identify the Soul’s reason for taking on a body in the first place. The belief is that our Life Purpose and Life Lesson are encoded in the fingerprints. I assist people by learning these through handprint analysis.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
To be an independent and financially stable metaphysical worker. —— (to name one on one level of my life. )
Please help us verify who you are as we have had spammer issues. Please provide a current website, blog site, social media site, etc. Or, If you are a registered student of the International School of Clairvoyance please indicate for which class. These will not be shared with other members but are used by the admin to verify you.
I do. It’s old.