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  • Hello Nancy, I checked Debra's website and here is the link for student readings to sign up:
    I hope it helps. Much love, Jari

  • Aw sorry to hear! Sending her good healing energy!!
  • Tx!! Also Nancy - if u really want a reading this week, happy to do a one-on-one Friday? Xx
  • Feedback from Lawrence for Courtney, Alexis, and Nancy:
    Nancy: Yes, he was really interested in healing energy, he appreciated you seeing him on the right journey and he highlighted the need for setting boundaries and that he struggles with reciprocity.
    Courtney: He appreciated your feedback about nature and that it was really helpful and healing for him. He talked about having both analytical and creative mind and practicing maintaining balance there. He also talked about not having many relationships with people.
    Alexis: He talked about being right on that he focuses a lot on work and not relationships and that nature is very healing for him.

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