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  • hello Erika,

    What is see is that landscape architecture is a good choice for you, I see a portal in to a garden with a lots of flowers, and I see you in there and the feeling is joy and lightness.  But, remember finding'true happiness' as you call it is only found within yourself, it is all up to you;)

    For your skin concern, I see that you need to change your diet. No wheat, no dairy, milk that is nor cheeses, no soy or soy products. To replace milk, I see rice , oat milk, goat milk is fine to and goat yoghurt.  No sugar, a lots of fresh fruit, greens and vegetables. Healthy grains, oatmeal for example in the morning. Quinoa, rice, no red meat, but chicken and fish. No caffeine from coffee, tea is fine.  No liquor, no red wine, who wine is ok. No sweets, no junk food.  No acidic fruits, like strawberries or oranges, lemon is great. No red tomatoes either or hot spices.

    Probiotics for women and candida would be great. A cleanse would be great if you have a health food store nearby, not where you don't eat but you go through the cleanse and eat very clean food. 

    Use gentle skin care. nothing harsh and abrasive, drink a lots of water.

    For your back, you need to exercise, no chiropractor, yoga would be great, that will set you up wonderfully for meditation and you will be in the right consciousness for that.

    Lots of love to you!


  • Love to work with you.Is there a time that is better for you. I am available by phone Friday at 11.30 pacific time.Monday the 6th anytime before 12, and tuesday anytime before 12.

    Lots of love!!


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