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  • John,


    How are you? I can exchange readings but will have to be next week, we can do via skype.


    Let me know,

  • Hey John,


    just checking up on you to see how things are going. If you are interested in a reading, I am trying to get more practise. I have Tuesday and Friday evening at 9pm EST available. Are you interested/

  • thanks for the welcome John! it's cool to see that you're into RV - not much experience with it myself, but i'm totally fascinated with it. to think that we can actually describe something we've never seen, in a place we've never been before... AMAZING! i think it's one of those things, that once you witness it, or perform it yourself, it really blows open the doors of belief and what is actually possible. makes me wonder about all the other things that "might" be out there... makes me feel like we are the "little things" in a great big cosmos.


    looking forward to talking to you!

  • Hi John, my email is :) looking forward to hearing from you :) and of course I'd read your fiance :)
  • Hey John, I am happy to find you here and Ruth as well. We should hook up and do energy checks or readings to stay in practice. :)
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