Professional Psychic, Social media, Etc

Hey everyone! I've never posted on a forum before but I figured I might as well use the support and resources available to me. If any of you are professional psychics or offer readings to people who want them, how did you get started? I've created a separate Instagram page for myself that is primarily focused on offering readings with the hope I will attract clients and people to practice on, and hopefully just get my name out there in the city I live in. I'm not ready for it to be like a business or LLC or anything like that yet, but just wanted to get some insight on how y'all get clients, how and where you let people reach out to you, etc. I figured I'll offer services based on which stages we are at in the class, so right now I'm offering free practice life readings, and so whatever we're learning, I'll align it with what I'm offering. Thanks for any insight! Super excited for the rest of the classes. 

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  • Hi Jake, I think I remember Debra saying that if you have any questions about this subject to email her and she would be happy to help.  I hope to be on my way in that direction as well :)  

  • Hi, Jake! This is something great to ask. I would also like to hear from other classmates on what they do. I decided to give it a try this year to have my own website. I actually "opened it to the public" just this month. I have a friend who has contacted me every few months consistently for over a year now to get various types of readings. A couple of other friends have asked me for readings and enjoyed them, even if they were skeptical at first. It has gotten to the point that family of friends will express interest in a reading. I am certainly new at the marketing thing, and I still have a lot of resistance to social media, but I decided I am going to give it a try anyways. I felt if I didn't push myself to the outer edges of my comfort zone, or move myself out of my comfort zone completely at times, I wouldn't accomplish the things I am hoping to achieve. I hope this perspective can contribute something. Looking forward to our upcoming classes!

    • a few of us have been waiting in the room 

    • Bri, is there no practice group today?

    • Yeah I'm in the same boat. Outside of the class environment, there's not a lot of noise going on with Spirit/spirits or psychic information so I'm trying to figure out how to keep myself flowing in A state of receiving or something. Lol! If you need some support with social media I'd be glad to follow you, haha! I need as many spiritual friends as I can get 😭


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