September 30
Birthday: September 30
September 30
What is your name (first and last)
Amy harper
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
I'd like to learn more about things going on around me, I'd like an understanding and guidance, my head reels off random things like I'm being told things I've seen things and I'd like a place I can fit in as the real worlds not a place I can stay constant, I'm alone a lot but I don't feel alone I feel like I'm being protected? I'd like to talk to like minded and truly gifted people, to make friends an explore more in to me find who I am :)
How did you learn about our network?
Was searching for more than a reading! Google
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I stopping trying to hard to fit in the busy world outside it's more fake lives club than real life! I love to embrace and explore! I have and need nothin to b happy I love to think that there's more to life than money and social status! I miss having a convo I'd like to meet new like minded friends with the idea that maybe I will find who I am as I'm lost but found?... Lol
What is your heart's greatest desire?
To be accepted! Too realise my potential! Big? Small? Size is not the issue! I want to feel contently proud that at least I tried :)
Please help us verify who you are as we have had spammer issues. Please provide a current website, blog site, social media site, etc. Or, If you are a registered student of the International School of Clairvoyance please indicate for which class. These will not be shared with other members but are used by the admin to verify you.
I don't have a web site I'm afraid, I'm jus a lone explorer that loves to put the pieces of a puzzle together to discover more than wats on the outside or black and white, even if I'm refused tho gutting I'd b satisfied I tried before I let the world pass by before it's too late :)