Psi Development In Stages by Debra Lynne Katz

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In this video Debra Lynne Katz, Director of the International School of Clairvoyance, gives an overview of the stages of development a student goes through, discussing different goals, attitudes, approaches and expectations a new student should take vs. an experienced one moving to a professional level. She also outlines the development of a clairvoyant or remote viewing session, identifying 3 main steps - tuning in, probing and organizing/presenting the data. This is not intended to teach the specific techniques but to give an overview of what is involved and serve as a reminder to both newbies and experienced people to let them selves be where they are at and accomplish their tasks at the level they are at. This isn't the most organized lesson in terms of presentation, but at least gives those watching an overall idea of what is involved with both clairvoyant reading and healing methodology and practice and remote viewing practices.

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