Psychic Surgery Paradoxes with Debra Lynne Katz

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Debra Lynn Katz, PhD, is author of You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing, Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic Abilities, and Freeing the Genie Within: Manifesting Abundance, Creativity, and Success in Your Life. She is coauthor, with Jon Knowles, of Associative Remote Viewing: The Art and Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Politics, Finances, and the Lottery. Debra currently serves as President of the International Remote Viewing Association. She is also a Guest Host on New Thinking Allowed. Her website is

Here she describes her extensive experiences, in the 1990s, observing and working with psychic surgeons in the Philippines. She describes both fraudulent practices and uncanny personal experiences for which she has no logical explanation.

00:00 Introduction

08:42 Participating in a surgery

17:36 Uncovering fraud

23:56 Selfless service

26:38 The exorcist

33:17 Making sense of it all

43:25 Wealthy healers

49:41 Modalities of healing

58:22 Conclusion

Edited subtitles for this video are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, and Swedish.

(Recorded on July 17, 2024)

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Published on August 19, 2024

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