Remote Viewing Versus Psychic Reading, Part One: Two Different Histories with Debra Lynne Katz

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Debra Lynne Katz, MSW, is both a talented remote viewer and a psychic reader. She is author of You Are Psychic: The Art of Psychic Reading & Healing, Extraor...

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  • Awesome, I will watch (and comment) on YouTube (and I have subscribed to your channel Debra!) :-)

  • I enjoyed these videos, thank you for posting them.

  • Thought I would share an experience I had when visualizing the Rose.

    When Debra mentioned that we should image our mother encountering the Rose (ourselves as the Rose), no major activity happened. THAN, all of a sudden my mother turn into a beetle and latch onto one of my peddles given me a big shock! I immediately saw my Rose close up and spinning trying to get the beetle off the peddles. End of visualisation. 

    That was so weird that I was prompted to ask, "please give me more information." I had absolutely NO CLUE what this could mean. Than it dawned on me the mystery of this symbolism. My dear Mother, who cares a lot for me has never really got over the fact that I live very far from her. And as all Mothers, she has a tendency to "latch" onto me and not wanting me to go when she see's me. In these type of confrontation and usually start feeling very closterfobic and want to disengage....

    Well you probably already figured out the explanation of my visualisation. This encounter (between my mother and I) triggered off in me an innate sense of this typical relationship I have with her.

    Now one could argue that this was not a Psychic experience but rather deep psychological feelings were being regurgitated by the imagery (which was self induced). Even though that could be true but the way the explanation came to me suddenly definitely felt like a psychic moment.

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