Mouguerre, France
Birthday: February 15
Mouguerre, France
February 15
What is your name (first and last)
Naoko Hoshino
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
To be connected with Debra and the students in the same class.
How did you learn about our network?
through signing up for Master class program of Debra.
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I have been in buddhist group for about 2 years and I have done some practices intensively. It was nice to know those people and practice but I noticed that I hadn't taken care of my body for a long time because I was interior for practice. Since last September, I go to the beach, walk in the forest, take yoga classes, etc. I feel better than before. I am a relaxation massage therapist. Since I am taking care of myself now, I do better service to my clients too.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
My desire is to understand how the universe works so that I can manifest as the best version of myself and so that I can help others to grow.
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