What is your name (first and last)
ericka love
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
To share my abilities and meet others with similar experiences.
How did you learn about our network?
surfed net
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
Working as a caregiver and then taking care of my mother at home. Im always looking for ways to improve surroudings and when I get premonitions on something that may affect other people I will tell them to forewarn them(has happened multiple times),praying for others(altruism).
What is your heart's greatest desire?
To be a huge inspiration.
Please help us verify who you are as we have had spammer issues. Please provide a current website, blog site, social media site, etc. Or, If you are a registered student of the International School of Clairvoyance please indicate for which class. These will not be shared with other members but are used by the admin to verify you.
yeah I took a look at her pic and was like man that is one fake looking person plus yeah the gibberish she had on her profile kinda threw me off but made me laugh too and it was your intuition a and its ok Debra,things happen! :-) she/he/it whatever,LOL,is gone now
Got her email too! I looked at her profile....it looked incomplete to me. Best part was my first impression was not good..did not feel safe responding to her email. When I got email update from Derba. I got a validation....My guide was communicating to me!!! Now that begs the question... what is the difference between spirit guide communicating or was this my intuition?
Hi Ericka, sorry that Woman was a spammer. Occasionally they do get through. I'm talking to my moderator who approved her as a member because there were warning signs as she didn't fill out her profile all the way and even her name sounded like a spammers so she shouldn't have even been approved here. There is never a reason to give anyone your own email address from these sites. They can't get to your personal email addess from here so that's the protection but if someone gives it to them, that's another story. Still, there shouldn't be much they can to with it as long as they don't have your password, other then send you some spam. She has been deleted. Sorry about that!! Debra