Salzhausen, Lower Saxony
Birthday: May 9
Salzhausen, Lower Saxony
May 9
What is your name (first and last)
Karin Eglinton
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
I'm participating in Debra's Masterclass. Looking forward to meeting fellow students :)
How did you learn about our network?
Same as above
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I work as a spiritual/ intuitive mentor, tarot reader and astrologer, with the intention of helping my clients align with their soul's path and bring their gifts into the world. I particularly focus on helping those who have felt different all their lives understand themselves at a deep level, and find belonging without conformity. I write online about developing a deeper connection with the earth and with spirit. I also create art on these themes. I'm also an amateur permaculturist, rewilder and herbalist. I'm constantly on the lookout for ways to deepen my connection with the natural world, to live in harmony with the earth, and support those around me in doing the same. Together with a small local group of people, we're figuring out how to cocreate with the land. I'm very dedicated to emotional healing after being in a high control spiritual group for many years, and to creating deep, honest, loving relationship with my husband, family and those around me.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
One big one is the reason I'm taking this masterclass-- to develop my psychic intuition to the next level, and hopefully to use it also in service of others. I would say my biggest desires are a combination of bringing more magic into the world, deepening my service, learning everything that draws my curiosity, co-creating with Spirit in ways that are joyful, meaningful and surprising, having adventures (travel, discovery, learning), creating bonds of deep love and wise connection with humans, animals, plants and nature beings, and restoring wholeness to the beautiful, mind-blowingly complex living systems I'm nestled in.
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