Salzhausen, Lower Saxony
What is your name (first and last)
Merlin Györy
What is your interest in joining the seventh sight network?
Participating in the Classes and seeing what else there is to explore. Maybe make some new friends, and also hone my skill with my own intuition.
How did you learn about our network?
From Debra
What are you currently doing to improve life for yourself and others?
I work as an evolutionary astrologer, and continue to study that craft/art and myself with it. Here is a link if you are curious. (https://www.fairycottageastrology.com). I am also curently offering Pay-what-you-can radings to get some more practice in, and support anyone who is financially struggeling.
I also continue to work as an artist and musician to create work that touches peoples hearts, and allows me to share mine and other parts of myslef.
You can find work and further link here if youd like to take a listen: https://www.cloudjumper.de and https://www.merlingyoery.com).
I navigate the process of finding a way to live in a way that lines up with my souls path, my values, and an animistic worldview and continuously changing understanding of the universe.
And I do my best every day to be helpful, kind, and openhearted with myself and the people I call friends or family, and to be a loving, caring, and empowering husband to my amazing wife.
I meditate, love to work with stones and minerals, and be out in nature and find ways to support the lokal plants and animal life. I also continue to learn in all fields that interest me and that I can fit in. ^^...the list is ever growing. And I love to teach. Basically anything and everything that I have learned ^^
I am neurodiverget/2e (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twice_exceptional) and used to work in this field supporting gifted and neurodivergent adults. I don't do that anymore, but conitnue to explore my own experience and that of friends, from a less constraint perspective then current modern psychology and with much curiosity and love for the diversity and creative complexity of human experience and thriving.
I also try to cultivate slef-love and self-acepptance, heal where I can heal, and grow as fast and much as is possible for me, and to encourage others where I can.
What is your heart's greatest desire?
To be part of and live in a world that is defined by and prioritises Joy, Pleasure, Abundance, Safety, Connection, Aliveness, Love, Growth, Healing, and mutual respect for all forms of life. And to help create that in a way that is natural to me.
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You can find my website at https://www.merlingyoery.com and also find me on facebook or instagram by searching my name or the handle @cloudjump3r. I think I will be a registered student too, since I am about to start Clairvoyant 1 next Saturday.